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INI File
135 lines
BackGround = 1 ;CHANGED: Instead of On or OFF, now requires
CPURequired = 286 ; a 1 for on and 0 for off.
DosVerRequired = 320
VideoRequired = 4 ;NEW: Comments can be added like these by
ConvMemRequired = 400 ; using a semi-colon (;), or whole lines
;ExtMemRequired = 0 ;<-- can be disabled from the program if
; they are not needed.
FailOnCPU = 1 ;NEW: 1 = If system does not meet this
FailOnDOSVer = 1 ; minimum requirement, stop install.
FailOnVideo = 1 ; 0 = Continue with install.
FailOnConvMem = 1 ; Program will show a warning message
FailOnExtMem = 0 ; for each either way.
UnZipFileName = PKUNZIP.EXE ;NEW: Set name of unzip utility for ZIP files.
[END] ; FREEWARE unzip utility now included in
; registered version.
Foreground = 8
Background = 7
FillCharacter = 176
Foreground = 7
Background = 1
Border = 0
TextColor = 7 ;NEW: Set the colors for the text screens
TitleColor = 11 ; and the titles on the install screen
MyGraphics Program - Includes Fonts, Clipart, & MORE * 550000
1 * mygraph1.zip * 1 * mygraph2.zip /o * 2 * mygraph3.lst
c:\mygraph ;
[END] ;NEW: Copy files listed in a .LST file to
; a destination directory.
MyGraphics Font Package * 300000
3 * mgfonts.zip /o
MyGraphics Clipart Package * 1000000
3 * mgclart1.zip /RI! * 4 * mgclart2.zip * 5 * largepcx.001
c:\mygraph\clipart ;
;NEW: Copy files split across
MyGraphics Printer Drivers * 100000 ; multiple disks.
3 * mgprtdrv.zip
FILES = 15
type file_id.diz
~TThe Shareware Installer - Software Distribution Made Easy!~t
~F15Thank you~f for evaluating this program. Although the name is ~TThe
Shareware Installer~t, it's perfect for shareware, commercial, and
custom software installation as well as the installation of data,
graphics, and other files. Software developers, programmers, and
anyone distributing files can edit the sample INSTALL.INF file
and create a distribution disk (or set) quickly and easily.
~F15FEATURES:~f Intro, Install, and Exit text screens; set colors;
selectable file groups for partial installs & upgrades; Checks
disk space, conventional and extended memory, DOS version, CPU,
video card & monitor. Supports multiple disks & files; optionally
modify AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS; copy files and/or install self-
extracting EXE's and ZIP files using unzip utility; MORE!
~TRegistered version includes Install for Windows.~t
~F14You can display up to 20 lines of information in each of the
text message screens.
The Shareware Installer prompts for each disk required for
the selected files and displays the file name and destination
directory on the bottom of the screen as it is being installed
If you selected BACKGROUND = OFF, the installation will run in
the foreground and the user will see the files listed on the
screen as they are being unzipped.
If you included lines in the CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT
sections, the user will have an option to edit those files.~f
The Shareware Installer will exit to the default path. If you
entered a program, file name, or DOS command in the RunCommand
section, the selected file or command will be run upon exiting
the installation program.
Thanks again for evaluating The Shareware Installer! You can
contact us at the address listed below:
~F03Relative Software Innovations
1515 N. Town East Blvd., Suite #138
Mesquite, Texas 75150-4149
Phone/Fax: (214) 681-8131
CIS ID: 73611,127
Contact: Steve Moore~f